Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Convention Diet

Hi all!

I flew back from Denver last night, but I'm heading out to Ashland this afternoon to photograph the singer Bonnie Raitt at a fundraiser for the Democratic Party of Oregon, so I won't have time to post any photos for another few days.

Whew! That was a crazy week! I almost never sat down and seldom even had time to eat. We all worked 10 hour days and then couldn't leave the convention because we really felt like history was being made and we wanted to be there for it. Tears ran down my face when Hillary Clinton made the final nomination of Barack Obama. My photo assistant, La-Verna, and I had managed to wangle seats with the New York delegation and everyone there was very emotional. It was an amazing moment.

It was an odd feeling being in the middle of so much media, but having no idea about what was going on in the rest of the world. The only TV we watched was CNN and they were broadcasting from the next room and they appeared to be talking pretty exclusively about the Convention - until Friday, that is, when McCain announced his VP nomination and then it was all about her. (Intriguing choice, eh?)

Here is another brief list of people I photographed. I'll go through the thousands of photos I took when I get back from Ashland and post a few of my faves.

Sheryl Crow
Stevie Wonder
Al Gore
John Kerry
Katie Couric
Art Alexakis from Everclear
Rev. Al Sharpton
Rep. Steny Hoyer
Pat Buchanan
Daily Show Reporter Rob Riggle

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