Tonight, I had the opportunity to photograph former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder at an event to raise money for Kurt Schrader's campaign. It really took me back. I moved to Oregon to work on Catherine Webber's campaign for that same congressional seat back in 1994. I was only planning to live in Oregon long enough to get my candidate elected and then move to Washington, DC with her. Unfortunately, she lost by just 800 votes during the 1994 Republican Revolution. Is 2010 going to be a repeat of that unfortunate election?

Rep. Pat Schroeder and me in 1994.

Governor Barbara Roberts gave me a tour of the Governor's Mansion just a few days after I arrived in Oregon. Through Oregon NARAL, I had volunteered to serve a dinner at the mansion and all of the volunteers arrived early. The Governor graciously gave us a personal tour as we waited for the "real" guests to arrive.

And here I am with a sprightly young John Kitzhaber right before he was elected to his first term as Governor. He has a tough race this time around...