Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sydney - September 19

I woke up early and watched the sun rise over Elizabeth Bay from Robbie's balcony.

Robbie took us out to Watson's Bay and we got some great views of the Sydney skyline.

You can see some haze in the background from some controlled burns that are taking place to try to help control this summer's fire season.

Lunch at Doyel's on Watson's Bay. Yummy seafood and a great view.

The "traffic" out on the bay - again from Robbie's balcony.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sydney - September 18

We arrived in Sydney on September 18 at 6:30am after crossing the international date line and losing an entire day. I am perpetually confused. I'm just jet-lagged enough to find it difficult to do the simple math required to figure out what time it is.

Shaban's brother Robbie picked us up at the airport and brought us back to his gorgeous new condo overlooking Elizabeth Bay. Wow! What a view! After a quick nap and shower, Shaban and I met up with some old friends of mine from Camp Weequahic - Jeanette and Kathryn. (I was a camp counselor and tennis coach at this camp when I was 19. J & K were camp nurses.) I hadn't seen K in over 20 years, but she looked the same. It was fun to get to catch up and our meal at the Opera House Bar was yummy.

We walked back to Robbie's place from the Opera house then went out to dinner at a fabulous local spot where everyone knew Rob. Very interesting cuisine that was a mix of many ethnicities. I think we went to bed at 9pm that night. Exhausted, but happy travelers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Quilts for CARES NW

To put in your bid on one of these fabulous quilts and support CARES NW, attend the Quilt Lunch on December 4, 2009.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pints to Pasta Run

A fun and yummy run. More photos can be found at Evan Pilchik Photography.

Central City Concern Mentor Lunch

What an inspiring afternoon recognizing people who have overcome addiction and the people who helped them do it. Learn more at Central City Concern.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

LC Family Photos

Practicing holiday photos on LC's family. Great smiles!