Saturday, March 21, 2009

The 24/7 Event

Bill Crane and Thomas Lauderdale organized a 24-hour event to remind us that we are at war. Various artists volunteered their time and the performances took place at the Wieden & Kennedy building. Apparently, there was a pretty good crowd for most of the night, but it thinned out a bit around dawn...

Collin & Heather's Wedding

Colleen Zobel of Z Studio helped me photograph this lovely wedding. The bride and groom let us have some extra time to practice poses on them, which was a lot of fun!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Regence Slidecast - Woodworking for the Blind

Hi recently took photos for about Mark Francis, a blind man who teaches woodworking at the Oregon Commission for the Blind. What a nice guy! And I think the slidecast turned out quite well. To view it, click on the link below...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

ACLU Dinner

With keynote speaker Jim Hightower.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sexy Tuesday at Mint

Planned Parenthood hosts fun happy hours at various local bars every other month. The one at Mint/820 was hoppin'!