Friday, January 30, 2009

da Vinci Exhibit Reception at OMSI

The exhibit is finally completely ready! Check it out, if you have a chance!

Classroom Law Project - We the People State Finals

The high school kids who participated in this event were amazing, as usual!

OMSI - Pascal Cotte Lunch

Pascal Cotte invented a very high resolution camera and then used it to photograph the Mona Lisa and discover her secrets. He spoke to a group at OMSI right before the unveiling of the new da Vinci exhibit.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaguration Night - Black Tie Party with the DPO

The Democratic Party of Oregon held a lovely gala to celebrate the Inauguration of our new President. The mood alternated between joy and disbelief.

Yes we did!

Inauguration Day Lunch at Mama Mia

This lunch was a fundraiser for Emerge - an organization that wants to get more Democratic women elected to political office. There were some very happy people at this lunch.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Magic Johnson at PSU

Magic Johnson auctioned off the opportunity to play one-on-one basketball with him as a benefit for PSU. He was really good with the little kids!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oregon State Legislature Opening Day

I was asked to take photos of the swearing-in ceremony and off the various house members with their families. Congratulations to Dave Hunt, the new Speaker of the House!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Texas Trip - Part 2

Then we went to Houston/Kemah to visit Dad, Dottie and some old friends. We got to meet Lance's new baby the day after she arrived. Kemah is close to Galveston and got hit hard by Hurricane Ike. Dad and Dottie just had a little roof damage, but the rest of the neighborhood is still recovering.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Texas Trip - Part 1

Shaban and I went to Texas to visit my family. First we went to Corpus to see Mom, Ralph and Aunt Nancy. It was sunny and one day got up to 80 degrees! A nice break from the snow and cold of Oregon...